Metapost: Easy ROT 13 Access

Some of you have noticed that I've been using ROT13 for triggery stuff in the comments so that no one has to get bowled over with something super-sad when they were trying to read happy Narnia and Twilight stuff. If you're not already familiar with ROT13, there's a good explanation at Wikipedia. Since it's kind of a pain to open a new browser and zip over to the ROT13 site every time someone posts, I've added a button to the site bar up top. Note that this site is already pretty spoiler-heavy, so I really only use for trigger-warning stuff, but that's just me. The rest of you can use at your discretion.

Fbzr bs lbh unir abgvprq gung V'ir orra hfvat EBG13 sbe gevttrel fghss va gur pbzzragf fb gung ab bar unf gb trg objyrq bire jvgu fbzrguvat fhcre-fnq jura gurl jrer gelvat gb ernq unccl Aneavn naq Gjvyvtug fghss. Vs lbh'er abg nyernql snzvyvne jvgu EBG13, gurer'f n tbbq rkcynangvba ng Jvxvcrqvn. Fvapr vg'f xvaq bs n cnva gb bcra n arj oebjfre naq mvc bire gb gur EBG13 fvgr rirel gvzr fbzrbar cbfgf, V'ir nqqrq n ohggba gb gur fvgr one hc gbc. Abgr gung guvf fvgr vf nyernql cerggl fcbvyre-urnil, fb V ernyyl bayl hfr sbe gevttre-jneavat fghss, ohg gung'f whfg zr. Gur erfg bs lbh pna hfr ng lbhe qvfpergvba. *teva*

Update: And if the button looks a little homemade, that's because it is. I put it together in Adobe Photoshop and if you'd like to re-use it elsewhere, yea verily, you are more than welcome to.


Ana Mardoll said...

Update: And if the button looks a little homemade, that's because it is. I put it together in Adobe Photoshop and if you'd like to re-use it elsewhere, yea verily, you are more than welcome to.

(This comment is largely here to test the comments widget on the sidebar. Disregard.)

Brin Bellway said...

I don't see how scrolling back up to the top to press the button is easier than Ctrl-T, but okay.

Ana Mardoll said...

My eventual plan is to duplicate the top column at the bottom of the blog, too. Since you're usually already down there when composing a comment, you'd have easier access than scrolling to the top. ;)

But yeah. Not a HUGE amount of functionality added.

Karen Nilsen said...

It's huge to me--thank you for doing this! I'm so un-techy it's pathetic, honestly. Though it's not totally by choice--I live in a remote area where the only internet available is dial-up (well, we have satellite, but it's incredibly expensive and not very reliable as some more tech-savvy friends of mine discovered when they lived with me for a few months.) I don't even get reliable cell reception where I live, and the cable company won't run cable out here. So I don't have a cell phone or TV, which I'm okay with. But the internet connection bugs me sometimes--I get a lot of reading done while sitting by the computer, waiting for stuff to load. And the last time I published, the nice ladies at the library let me use their fast connection to do my CreateSpace cover, so I have some options when the going gets too rough for dial-up.

Anyway, that was a long rant just to say thank you!

Silver Adept said...

Yay, quick ROT access. Now we can be as gleefully spoilerrific as we...

...oh, nevermind.

Still helpful for those of us who want the full details of things that might not be all sparkling vampires and rainbows.

Inquisitive Raven said...

If you use Firefox, there's add-ons that can do ROT-13 for you from the context menu (right click). I'm using Leetkey, but I think there's Greasemonkey scripts available that can do it as well. I don't know about other browsers, but wouldn't be surprised if they exist for them too.

Hyperio said...

I use one of Greasemonkey's ROT13 scripts ( - there are several others). It's simple for me to mark the encoded text and choose "ROT13 encode/decode" from the Greasemonkey's menu. That way, I don't have to use another web page to decode it (but the script I use tends to break paragraphs so I have to use it on a one paragraph at a time to preserve the paragraph break).

Becca said...

I (just now) made a little bookmarklet to do this too:

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