Open Thread: Google Privacy

Supposedly this is the last night to use this process to stop Google from storing your search history. I don't know that this method will actually work, but I went through the steps and the screenshots look right.


Mime_Paradox said...

Huh: got to the Web HIstory page, and I'm getting--nothing about Removing all Web History. What I am getting, though, is a prompt for turning web history *on*, suggesting that it's been off for X amount of time. So, yay me? Or is there another, less benign conclusion I can draw?

Brin Bellway said...

Last time I only told it to stop collecting new stuff and didn't delete the old. When I went now, it showed history up until last June and an option to delete it. If it's not showing you any history, that's probably because you don't have any.

JonathanPelikan said...

Thank you for this, Ana, I just did it. The fact that i use my real name means I'm not as privacy-conscious as many others, but this still gives me a little peace of mind.

mmy said...

Huh: got to the Web HIstory page, and I'm getting nothing about Removing all Web History. What I am getting, though, is a prompt for turning web history *on*, suggesting that it's been off for X amount of time. So, yay me? Or is there another, less benign conclusion I can draw?

Since have multiple email accounts (or manage accounts for other boards) I got to see a range of prompts. Some showed a history and others that the web history had never been turned on. I think it depended on what the default had been when the account was started.

Redsixwing said...

Thanks for this; mine's in the "never turned on" camp, and I intend to keep it that way until I can dump Google for good. *grump grump grump*

Aidan Bird said...

I'm a lurker, who wandered here from Slacktivist! Anyway, I wanted to contribute this to the discussion:

And this:

This second link is a Firefox (and I think they have one for Chrome, but no other browser as of yet) add-on that does a pretty good job of making sure facebook and google cannot track you across the web. I've added it in to my firefox as a safety feature. I also deleted my history from Google as well. It's rather alarming how much they've dug their fingers into our privacy. I also really dislike google's tendency to "personalize" web searches. How on earth can I fact check if they are trying to filter my searches for what they think I want to see? They're often wrong on what I want to see anyway. It's frustrating.

Anyway, hello everyone! And I hope the links are helpful.

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