Thursday, April 19, 2012

Metapost: Emergency


I just got a call from my mother. My dad, who was in day surgery for what was supposed to be a routine procedure, has been unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer around (or of? I don't know yet) his lymph nodes in his neck and has had an emergency tonsil removal while they were in there. I have no idea what's going on or what is going to happen next, but I do know that I need to be there to help mom sort out those very questions.

The Friday Open Thread and Saturday Twilight threads for this week are pre-posted. Starting this Sunday we're going to have a suspension of regular posting for a week while I try to deal with this. Regular posts will resume on Tuesday, May 1st. Until then, there will be daily open threads with, I don't know, cute animals or something.

I apologize for the blog disruption.

~ Ana


  1. I hope your father's treatment goes well.

  2. Oh no! I hope the treatment goes well also. {{internet hugs}}

  3. No need to apologize. Your priorities are right. I hope everything goes well with your father.

  4. Heeeyikes. I hope all goes well for you and your father and family.

    Take care of yourself, as much as you can.

  5. Yikes! Good thoughts to you and yours, hope things go well!

  6. *hugs*

    I wish your father luck.

  7. Many, many hugs and good wishes.

  8. Sorry to hear it. I hope everything will turn out as allright as possible in such a situation. And you absolutely don't need to apologise.

  9. I am so sorry to here of this.

    Would prayers on your, your father's, and your family's behalf be appropriate?

    If not, please accept my good wishes and thoughts.

  10. My thoughts are with your dad Ana -- and with you and your mother as well.

  11. Michael Mock4/19/2012 1:44 PM

    {{{{HUGS}}}} and good wishes for you and your family.

  12. all the hugs ever to you and your family, Ana!

  13. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I hope your dad's treatment goes okay and that you and your mom aren't too stressed. Don't worry about the blog; no need to apologize, just see to your dad!

  14. I hope you and your father will get better!

  15. hugs!

    hope everything turns out well.

  16. Dinner-time update. We still don't know much of anything -- apparently the priority at the doctor's office was to get Dad home since "heavily medicated" does not mix well with "complex explanations of diagnosis". They're going in tomorrow to hear what's going on, but the word "chemo" has already been brought up by the doctor, which is never a comforting word.

    In answer to a previous question, prayers, thoughts, and well-wishes of any denomination are welcome and appreciated.

  17. Eek. I'm sorry.

    I'll be praying.

  18. Sorry to hear this. I'll be thinking of you.

  19. All well wishing and hugs and prayers I have are being sent in the direction of you and your family.

  20. *offers good wishes, hugs, and hopes*

  21. Very, very sorry to hear about this. Electronic hugs and happy thoughts are winging their way across the wires. I hope that your family gets some good news soon and that your father's treatment goes well.

  22. Best wishes for your dad, your mom, and you... Take care of them, and yourself!

  23. Best wishes!

  24. No doubt that your presence will bring your mother a great deal of comfort. May you both find reassurance and comfort in one another.

  25. {{Hugs}} and well-wishing coming from Australia.

    Hope your dad's OK.

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  28. Kenny Chaffin4/20/2012 7:04 AM

    Oh No! I hope it turns out okay. I just lost a father-in-law. :(

  29. So sorry to hear that - scary times. My thoughts are with you and your family ((hugs))

  30. Best wishes for your father's health and for you and your family, Ana. Please don't worry about posting here - your family and wellbeing rightly come first.

    I may presume here, but I feel a particular empathy for you, since my mother was diagnosed with cancer (breast and lymph nodes) and operated on very suddenly several years ago. (She happily made a full recovery, which I hope your father will as well, but my mother's health = not the point of this post, I know.) I've found that there's not only a bond between cancer patients and survivors, but also between their caretakers and families. It's not a situation in which one says "Welcome to the Club," but - there is a club, and we're here for you. You Are Not Alone.

  31. Oh, Ana. My thoughts are with you.

  32. Stuart Armstrong4/20/2012 9:27 AM

    Argh! How terrible :-( I wish your father, and you, all the best, and hope he'll get through this well.

  33. Toby Bartels4/20/2012 10:01 AM

    Best wishes from an occasional reader.

  34. My thoughts go with your father. I wish you all have good luck with everything!

  35. I'm so sorry to hear that. No need to apologize for the disruption in the blog; your family comes first.

  36. Ana, why in the WORLD are you apologizing?! Just do what you need to do! We'll all be alright over here, and you're in our thoughts for ever!!!!! Hope your dad is alright!!!!


  37. Thank you all. And thank you for the club welcome, I do appreciate it. It's... well, to be honest and it sounds stupid I'm sure, it's not something I expected to happen to me. Us. Something. We have no history of cancer in the family and this was found during a routine examination for something else entirely. So it's basically been a big WHAM moment. And it's sort of strange to realize that 48 hours ago, "cancer" was this sort of nebulous concept that didn't personally touch me and now... it's not.

  38. Bificommander4/20/2012 4:32 PM

    I'm very sorry to hear that Ana. My best wishes to your father, you and your family.

  39. Steve Morrison4/20/2012 9:07 PM

    I can only wish you and your father the best, Ana. And I hope your apology was strictly pro forma; you don’t owe us a single thing, rather we’re in your debt for this blog!

  40. I hope all is well for you, your father, and the rest of your family.

  41. Best wishes, hugs, good thoughts and prayers.

  42. This is more important than blogging right now. Best of luck to you and your loved ones.

  43. Best wishes and hugs from this corner of the Internet. Hopefully it's something that can be beaten back.
