Sunday, April 8, 2012

Self-Promotion: April Newsletter

Note: If you're subscribed to the newsletter, you already received this on 04/01/2012.

March Moving,
April Achievements

Where did March go? I swear it was just here.

Husband and I have finally moved into our new house, which we very dearly love, and we may someday have phone service once again, if we're really good and the phone fairies decide we are worthy of their gifts. But April is bringing some unexpected twists: I've received news that my work assignment is being changed such that I'll no longer have internet access, telecommunting privileges, or having my desk be within a few hundred feet of my car. Husband and I are still trying to work out how this is going to affect our lives, and I'm also in the process of scheduling a surgery. So that should be fun.

But that is not nearly so interesting as blog news!

A "Deconstruction Index" page has been created for quick access to the various book deconstructions in chronological order. There is also a rudimentary FAQ attached to each deconstruction list; suggestions are welcome. As some of you have informed me that you have unreliable internet access, I will be packaging deconstructions as they end in a downloadable format for offline reading. Look for a Claymore version to go up on the index page by the end of April, now that the series is winding down.

In other deconstruction news, Narnia will start back up soon with two different "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" film adaptations and then "Prince Caspian". Which I very barely remember from childhood and have already marked up two chapters full of underlines and exclamation points. Fun!

My novel "Pulchritude" continues to be well-received by so many of you, and several of you were kind enough to leave wonderful reviews online. Thank you; I can't tell you how much that means to me. Husband's eardrums ring with the sound of my happy squealing, I'm sure. For those of you interested in a print version, I hope to have one on Amazon by the end of April as I'm almost finished with the proofs. Once I order a copy for my own inspection and can verify that it looks good, I'll post a link so that everyone can join in the fun.

In other novel news, we're still working on an audio book version, but that's not quite half-done yet and I think it will still be a few more months until the audio book is ready for download. Having said that, here's a teaser. (How excited am I about this? SO EXCITED.)

Thank you all again for reading, for lurking, for commenting, and for emailing as you do. You are the best folks in the world, and I am so thrilled to be blogging with you.

Ana Mardoll

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