An update on the on-going project to transcribe the Wendy Davis filibuster and (volunteers willing!) the Senate debates, House debates, and citizen testimony.
1. I have sent out thirteen hours worth of filibuster to transcribe. That's a lot of hours! If your codename was reasonably low on the assignment list, check to see if you have something, because you very well might!
2. The filibuster was 16 hours of footage but the last 3 hours or so was mostly milling about while the senators talked behind closed doors. So I'll probably put up a big in-which-nothing-happens block on YouTube that won't need to be transcribed.
3. Speaking of empty space! If your assigned video goes all quiet while they argue up at the dais for a looooong time, I probably cut the video off before they started talking again. So zip to the end and if there's still talking, you're done with your clip.
4. I'd like to do the remaining videos in the following order: The House debate, the Senate debate, and then the citizen testimony. This is slightly out of order from how events transpired, but I'd like to get it on record with the Republicans turning down amendments that would save lives. Campaign posters will need this stuff, I think. (I hope!)
5. I continue to be the bottle-neck and I apologize. I've been working this day and night, but it just takes a tremendous amount of time to cut, upload, send out, and take in everything. I know bunches of you are still waiting for an assignment and it will come. I apologize for the delay.
6. If you'd like to help in the meantime, I could very much use eyes and ears on the mega-file on Google Docs. Do all the links lead to where they're supposed to lead to? Are all the words right? Is something confusing that needs an editorial note? That sort of thing.
I think that's all for now. I cannot thank everyone enough for the overwhelming amount of support you have all given. Thank you so, so much.
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