August Newsletter (2018)

Welcome to August! I wasn't sure I'd make it but here I am!

July was an amazing rush for me and flew by. Some of that was bad (my hand still isn't at full mobility since the surgery, and my fallopian tube surgical scars still haven't healed up and keep weeping) and some of it was good (I wrote a whole book from scratch!).

Which, uh, did I mention I wrote a whole book from scratch? It's nonfiction and available for download now, but it'll be going up here in pieces so folks can comment and ask questions. Interactive!

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So let's talk about rewards this month!


$2+ The Lost Last Princess of Ravelin. This is a three-part story which will be going up over August, September, and (I hope!) October. I really like this one and I hope you will too. It started with an idea from a D&D campaign about a disabled wizard (Mythica fans will recognize the inspiration) and plays with myths, legends, and being propelled into the limelight by others.

$5+ Transcending Flesh, another essay for discussion and questions!

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And now let's talk projects.

TRANS PROPHECY PROJECT: Don't forget this is out as No Man of Woman Born and available to buy or download! I also have an Etsy store for people who want to buy extra signed copies!

EARTHSIDE #3 PARANORMAL ROMANCE: This is coming along! Slower than I'd like, but definite progress is being made.

FIRE MAGE FANTASY: Still in work, though I didn't get as much done on this as I wanted this month. I have high hopes for August!

HARKEN THE ACCIDENTAL HERO: I haven't forgotten Harken! My hope is to get more of his story out before the year is up.

TRANSCENDING FLESH: Remember that new book I mentioned? You can get it here! For free, or on a pay-what-you-want model at GumRoad! Some of you have already seen the first three essays up here, but I rushed to turn out the other 12 (for a total of 15) because I had someone else's deadline to meet in order to help them with a thing. Let me tell you that writing an entire book in a week was intense and I will never do that again! But it was rewarding and I'm very happy that this book exists now. I hope you enjoy!

Before I sign off, I just want to say THANK YOU. Every single one of you contributing to this blog and/or Patreon is helping me so much, and I can't thank you all enough. Thank you for comments, thank you for support, thank you for the reviews out there on book sites, thank you for everything. My brain weasels were pretty jerky this month, but knowing I had y'all at my back was amazingly good. Thank you. ♥


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