A Roof of our Own

I am so excited to announce that our long national nightmare is over: the ceiling has at last been repaired. It took about a week because they had to remove ALL the moldy insulation and spray the wooden rafters with mold repellent, then bring in all new insulation and make a new ceiling for the bedroom and bathroom. We stayed downstairs during the day on air mattresses (which was brutal on my back and I now understand why rich people go on vacation during renovations) and slept on the bed in the living room at night.

Fun Fact: Now that the mold is completely out of the house, my sinuses have almost totally cleared up. I haven't woken up with "waterfall nose" syndrome in 4 days!! Crispin no longer has that alarming catarrh rumble in his throat when he purrs, and Cream's eyes aren't weeping anymore. I did wake up this morning with my throat closing up, I think because the paint smell was omnipresent and overpowering, but some Benadryl and open windows cleared that up.

We aren't 100% done as you can see in the pictures; the bedroom light-fan still needs to be installed because the one we acquired turned out to need more wiring than the house has in place, and the bathroom door needs to be specially ordered because it turns out that 100-year-old houses weren't always built to modern pre-fab sizes. But our builder will return when we have the right equipment and we are making do with shower curtains (for a makeshift bathroom door) and floor lamps (to cover for the lack of a bedroom light) until that happens.

In short, we are safe, happy, and dry, and we could not be more excited to share that news with everyone. All our love to you.


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